The Technical Reviewer is a team consisting of representatives of community groups that focus on issues of disability, disaster management, humanity, academics, and the government who are humanitarian actors who have been directly involved in discussing and fighting for humanitarian missions. . Following are the profiles of IDEAKSI's Technical Reviewers and Mentors: 


Sipora Purwanti


Purwanti or who is familiarly called Ipung is a person with disabilities and a community organizer, disability trainer, CBR trainer, advocacy trainer, community empowerment trainer and paralegal for disability cases dealing with the law.
Ipung is currently active in SIGAB (Sasana Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel), a non-profit organization that fights for the rights of people with disabilities throughout Indonesia to create an equal and inclusive life.



Danang Samsurizal, S.T.


Danang Samsurizal is the Head of the Emergency Management Division of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. One of the tasks carried out is the emergency management and control operations to increase the average speed of disaster response times.



Titi Moektijasih


Titi Moektijasih is a very active humanitarian actor. Titi is part of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) as a Humanitarian Affairs Analyst and has been involved in various humanitarian fields in Indonesia, such as the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Central Sulawesi.



Winta Guspara


Winta or known as Tata is a lecturer at Universitas Kristen Duta Wicana (UKDW) Yogyakarta and is currently a member of the inclusion laboratory of the Product Design Study Program. Mr. Tata's area of focus is on micro-mobility or short movement in disaster case studies and inclusion. One of the inclusion laboratory agendas is to design a disaster table for wheelchair users who won the 3rd award in 2019 at the 6th Disaster Research Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) in Bogor.



Surya Rahman


Surya Rahman known as the Executive Director of the Indonesian Humanitarian Forum (HFI), a forum committed to improving relations between humanitarian actors by strengthening capacity building, coordination, and partnerships between humanitarian actors.





U-Inspire Indonesia


U-Inspire merupakan platform pemuda dan profesional muda dalam Sains, Teknik, Teknologi dan Inovasi (SETI) untuk mempercepat implementasi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (PRB) serta mendukung kebijakan dan aksi PRB di tingkat lokal, nasional, dan internasional.
U-Inspire telah terdaftar secara resmi sebagai asosiasi di bawah “Perkumpulan Pemuda Dan Profesional Muda Dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan, Rekayasa Teknologi dan Inovasi” oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia.

U-Inspire Indonesia


U-Inspire is a platform for youth and young professionals in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI) to accelerate the implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and support DRR policies and actions at local, national, and international levels.
U-Inspire has been officially registered as an association under the “Association of Youth and Young Professionals in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation” by the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.







Ibnu Subrata


Ibnu Subrata atau akrab dipanggil Broto adalah community organizer yang telah berpengalaman melakukan pendampingan kelompok-kelompok masyarakat sejak tahun 2003. Broto telah mendampingi ratusan kelompok di wilayah Jawa dan beberapa wilayah lainnya di Indonesia, khususnya dalam bidang penanggulangan dan pengurangan risiko bencana. 

Ibnu Subrata


Ibnu Subrata or familiarly called Broto is a community organizer who has experience in assisting grassroots community since 2003. Broto has assisted hundreds of communities in Java and several other areas in Indonesia, especially in the field of disaster risk reduction and management.


Dhinar Rizki Linggar K.


Dhinar Rizki adalah community organizer yang merupakan lulusan paska sarjana perencanaan kota. Dhinar telah berpengalaman dalam pendampingan kelompok, khususnya kelompok lanjut usia dan juga pendampingan terhadap kelompok difabel. 

Dhinar Rizki Linggar K.


Dhinar Rizki is a community organizer and holding a master degree in urban planning. Dhinar has experiences in organizing communities, especially the older people group and also organizing people with disabilities.






Ratna Susi


Ratna Susi is an Inclusion Advisor for the CLIP Project and works at YEU. Susi has been in humanitarian work and disaster preparedness since 2006. Susi has facilitated various kinds of training since 2009 in various parts of Indonesia, particularly related to inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Preparedness Schools organized by BPBD & BNPB, and other trainings.