Through a local selection process with support for skills development, 15 Local Innovators were selected to attend the IDEAKSI Innovation Workshop. YEU places a strong focus on the inclusion of at-risk groups in humanitarian action.


In April 2021, YEU opened a month-long call for proposals for innovation ideas aimed at supporting inclusion. YEU received 43 concept notes from innovation teams from community-based organisations, community groups (e.g. women’s groups, older people’s groups, church communities, art community), local NGOs, and academia. After the initial screening, innovator teams participated in a series of workshops facilitated by YEU which focused on supporting them to develop their ideas further. Innovators were also supported to conduct problem research, including root cause analysis, knowledge mapping and actor mapping, and user research, including focus groups and interview discussions to ensure the innovations were informed by community needs and knowledge.


Towards the end of the idea development phase, YEU provided pitching training to further strengthen the skills and capacities of the innovators and support them to communicate their ideas clearly before the final selection. A Demo Day event was then organised to pick the 10 final teams. National and local government experts, CSOs, media and private sector representatives all attended the Demo Day which not only had the goal of picking the final teams but was designed to explore possible opportunities for collaborations and support from various stakeholders as partners, investors, or potential networks.


The 10 selected teams received funding of IDR 85,000,000 to carry out the implementation of their innovation ideas during the Development Stage for a period of 6 months from October 2021 to April 2022. This website displays innovations from 9 innovations that are still continuing the development process with IDEAKSI after April 2022.


After the implementation period ended, 4 teams were then selected to scale up their innovations during the Growth Stage since May 2022 to March 2022 with funding of IDR 125,000,000.

Growth Phase / Scale Up

Innovation: DIFGANDES 2.0 Android App for Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction.


Growth Phase / Scale Up
Ngudi Mulyo Farmer Group

Innovation: Smart Mist Irrigation, an agricultural solution that is friendly to the elderly and people with disabilities with a touch of technology in its development to attract young people to participate in farming.


Growth Phase / Scale Up
PB Palma GKJ Ambarrukma

Innovation: Effective and inclusive Gadjah Wong River flood emergency response in 5 Padukuhan Caturtunggal Village.


Growth Phase / Scale Up
CIQAL Foundation

Innovation: Optimizing the Role of Sister Village from Kepuharjo Village in an Inclusive Disaster Preparedness Program for Disabilities.


Development Phase / Prototype
Forum Komunikasi Winongo Asri (FKWA)

Innovation: Waste Management Innovation with BSF (black soldier fly) or Maggot Larvae as an Effort to Manage Organic Waste with a Bioconversion Process in The Context of Disaster Mitigation Based on Local and Inclusive Communities.


Development Phase / Prototype
Disaster Risk Reduction Forum of Gunungkidul (FPRB GK)

Innovation:  Inclusive Digital Deliberation Platform on DRR for people with disabilities in Gunungkidul.


Development Phase / Prototype
Lingkar Association

Innovation: Adaptation of Inclusive Early Warning System and Evacuation Plan in Girikerto Village.


Development Phase / Prototype
Merapi Rescue Community

Innovation: Light and Sound-Based Evacuation Guideline System in Disaster Mitigation for Volcanic Eruption.


Development Phase / Prototype
Sekoci Sasana Inspira

Innovation: Orientation of the Host Families (SINARKARAT) as an Effective Solution in Disaster Mitigation for People with Disabilities.


Discovery Phase / Ideation
Yayasan Caritra

Innovation: An Inclusive and Disaster-Responsive Village Planning Method with a Village Master Plan.


Discovery Phase / Ideation
Lingkup Indonesia

Innovation: Encouraging Ecological and Inclusive Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Villages through Social Audits.


Discovery Phase / Ideation
Youth of Baros (KP2B)

Innovation: Inclusive mangrove seedling and planting.


Discovery Phase / Ideation
Youth of Baros (KP2B)

Innovation: Appropriate technology for environmental and agricultural waste treatment based on integrated empowerment and equality


Discovery Phase / Ideation
Pensil Terbang

Innovation: Elderly Friendly Disaster Preparedness Bag.