Indonesia's Steps Toward Inclusive Humanitarian Preparedness and Response


In a series of activities to seek for Local Innovators for IDEAKSI (idea, innovation, action, inclusion) to strengthen the ground in developing inclusive local innovations, YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) commissioned Pujiono Center to carry out a Scoping Study of Inclusive Humanitarian Systems and Landscapes in Indonesia.


The main objectives of this study are (1) To identify barriers for persons with disabilities, the elderly and vulnerable groups to actively participate and have capacities in the humanitarian sector, especially related to disaster preparedness and response; (2) Mapping policies, structures, coordination mechanisms and resources in dealing with humanitarian needs; (3) Assessing the effectiveness of the performance of the humanitarian system in Indonesia; and (4) Drawing lessons from existing innovations in disaster management, especially the inclusion of persons with disabilities, the elderly and other vulnerable groups who are most at risk.


Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) together with Pujiono Center held a workshop and discussion room to present the "Scoping Study of Inclusive Humanitarian Systems and Landscapes in Indonesia" to the general public and practitioners who focus on humanity and inclusiveness on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. Scoping study is one of a series of Community Led Innovation Partnership (CLIP) programs run by YEU supported by UKAID, ELRHA, START Network, ADRRN Tokyo Innovation Hub. This workshop was opened at 09.00 WIB and was attended by 43 participants, as well as 5 implementers from the Pujiono Center Research Team.


Representative from YEU, program manager, Hepi Rahmawati stated, "In this process, we do not only see the scoping study document but how we can work together in a more inclusive humanitarian effort or disaster risk reduction."


Furthermore, in his speech, Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW from Pujono Center expressed his hope that this study will not only be useful for projects or for friends of vulnerable groups, but for many people.


In a further discussion regarding the results of the Scoping Study, Pujiono Center explained that there is a need for units in government such as the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Social Agency to support the principles and practices of inclusion in the regions. There is a need for parties to organize, form and strengthen networks of vulnerable groups in order to gain public trust. Meanwhile, to measure the effectiveness of the humanitarian system in Indonesia, Anggoro Budi P, M.Sc explained the need for assistance in conducting an analysis of funding needs for the participation of vulnerable groups as well as training on inclusion for stakeholders.


In addition to the presentation of the inclusive humanitarian landscape in Indonesia, participants were given the opportunity to ask questions by opening a discussion forum and sharing 2 terms of questions which were answered directly by the Pujiono Center research team, Zela Septikasari, M.Sc.M.Pd, Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW and Anggoro Budi P, M.Sc.


Realizing that there are still a lot of homework for various parties, Dr. Puji Pujiono, MSW reminded us to remain optimistic, "I think that with more organizations and actions from friends with disabilities, our advocacy for thinking about inclusion will be more advanced. Time to close ranks. So don't lose hope yet and keep fighting. Especially through DIFAGANA and TAGANA, through the Ministry of Social Affairs which is the home of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation which is the lead in disability issues".


The workshop on the results of the Scoping Study of inclusive humanitarian systems and landscapes was closed with a conclusion about the importance of the existence of organizations and networks of vulnerable groups with national and global communities so that this becomes a common discussion and makes inclusion an important agenda in humanitarian preparedness and response.


The Scoping Study can be downloaded on YEU's website: