IDEAKSI: Inclusive Community Based Disaster Innovations
“Earthquakes are natural phenomena, but not all natural phenomena are disasters. Earthquakes are not deadly but collapsed buildings are what caused casualties and are then called disasters”, said Dr. Raditya Jati, Plt. Deputy for System and Strategy of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in the Innovation Workshop: Identification of Disaster Management Problems in Special Region of Yogyakarta organized by YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) with Elrha, Start Network, and ADRRN. This online workshop was held on the 15th anniversary of the Yogyakarta Earthquake (26/05/21) and the event began with a moment of silence to commemorate the Yogyakarta Earthquake incident.
BNPB noted that there are around 900,000 Indonesians with disabilities. Disasters are multidimensional and require the involvement of all sectors or collaborations of Pentahelix which involve all parties, government, media, experts, NGOs, and community organizations which are important frontlines. Therefore, it requires inclusive disaster management that involves everyone.
Takeshi Komino, General Secretary of the Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN), also attended the workshop and presented the Introduction to Humanitarian Innovation. He explained that humanitarian innovation is an iterative process of identifying, adapting and disseminating ideas to enhance humanitarian action. Innovation is not the same as a beautiful solution to help all people in the world, there is a difference between innovation and invention.
"Innovation is not the same as invention, traditional knowledge can be used to create local wisdom-based innovations that are effective and on target to help people in the regions," - Takeshi Komino.
Thus, innovation does not always have to be associated with technology-based inventions.
The Innovation Workshop is a series of activities from IDEAKSI (ide inovasi aksi inklusi) YAKKUM Emergency Unit to seek innovations from innovative and inclusive community groups in disaster management for the most vulnerable and disabled groups. Indonesia has 12 threats of natural disasters, thus it needs mitigation efforts in the community-based disaster industry with local understanding, which is actually present in Yogyakarta. YAKKUM Emergency Unit Innovation Workshop guided 15 groups of Yogyakarta local innovators who passed the selection stage for the IDEAKSI Competition. These groups will participate in 4 series of workshops during May and June 2021 to solve disaster problems in their regions, sharpen solutions through an iterative process that involves vulnerable groups in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation stages.
The 15 groups are Caritra Foundation, Ciqal, Difagana DIY, FPRB GK, Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS DIY, Lingkar, Lingkup, Merapi Rescue Community, Ngudi Mulyo, Ngudi Rejeki Tompak, Pemuda Pemudi Baros, PB Palma, Pensil Terbang, Sekoci, dan Winongo Asri.
"We hope that through this program, all parties are actively involved and able to find innovative solutions. which accommodates the community, especially for the disabled, the elderly, and women and other vulnerable groups to have meaningful involvement, a role in decision making and control over resources in disaster preparedness and humanitarian response", - dr. Sari Mutia Timur, Director of YEU.
After 4 series of workshops, local innovator groups will then be encouraged to build partnerships with relevant stakeholders and compile innovation proposals where 10 groups will get funding opportunities of IDR 85,000,000 and piloting innovative ideas for 6 months. Follow the development of disaster management innovation that will be developed by local innovators through YEU website at, Instagram @YEUideaksi, and Facebook YAKKUM Emergency Unit.