CLIP “Community Led Innovation Partnership" by YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU)  organized IDEAKSI (ide inovasi aksi inklusi) as a space to find and develop innovations by local communities in disaster management and climate change that are inclusive.

We believe that all levels of society, without exception, have the right to access, protection, assistance and support in various forms when a disaster occurs. To answer these challenges, IDEAKSI seeks local innovators to find inclusive innovations. Innovation does not have to be in the form of technology but can also be done with a traditional approach that is able to involve all parties in the community structure.





To be the frontline of capturing innovation with a traditional approach that is able to involve all parties in the community structure.




Overcome barriers for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups to actively participate, and have capacity in disaster response and preparedness and increase the effectiveness of emergency response and disaster risk reduction initiatives.



IDEAKSI is taken place in Special Region of Yogyakarta because there are about 45,000 elderly people or about 13% of the total population. Yogyakarta is counted as the province with the highest number of elderly people in Indonesia. There are 40,050 persons with disabilities, which makes Yogyakarta ranked fourth as the province with the highest number of persons with disabilities.


Yogyakarta also has 12 potential disaster threats that are at risk from medium to high scale and also has a high level of vulnerability and exposure to disaster risks, including climate change and pandemics which also add to vulnerability. Based on the results of the Yogyakarta resilience study (RAD DIY, 2020) especially on the capacity aspect, it shows that the Yogyakarta Government and the community have commitments related to disaster risk reduction but need continuous efforts to reduce the negative impacts of disasters.


Various campaigns to raise public awareness and strengthen preparedness capacity in various regions in Yogyakarta continue to be carried out with the hope that the communities will be more resilient, alert, and innovative in dealing with the impact of disasters.



IDEAKSI dilaksanakan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta karena terdapat sekitar 45.000 lanjut usia atau sekitar 13% dari total populasi penduduk. Dengan ini, Yogyakarta terhitung sebagai provinsi dengan jumlah lansia tertinggi di Indonesia. Terdapat 40.050 penyandang disabilitas, yang membuat Yogyakarta menduduki peringkat ke-empat sebagai provinsi yang memiliki jumlah penyandang disabilitas terbanyak. 


Yogyakarta juga memiliki 12 potensi ancaman bencana yang berisiko dari skala sedang hingga tinggi dan memiliki tingkat kerentanan dan keterpaparan yang tinggi terhadap risiko bencana, termasuk perubahan iklim dan pandemi yang turut menambah kerentanan. Berdasar hasil kajian ketahanan daerah Yogyakarta (RAD DIY, 2020) terutama pada aspek kapasitas menunjukan bahwa Pemerintah Yogyakarta dan komunitas telah memiliki komitmen terkait pengurangan risiko bencana namun perlu upaya berkelanjutan untuk mengurangi dampak negatif dari bencana. 


Berbagai kampanye untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran publik serta penguatan kapasitas kesiapsiagaan di berbagai wilayah di Yogyakarta terus dilakukan dengan harapan agar masyarakat semakin tangguh, siaga dan inovatif dalam menghadapi dampak bencana.




Innovations to overcome barriers for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups to participate actively, and have capacity in disaster response and preparedness.


Innovation increases the effectiveness of emergency response and disaster risk reduction initiatives.


Innovation encourages the involvement of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in the process of coordination and policy making related to disaster management.