IDEAKSI:  Analysis of Research Findings and Development of Innovation Proposals

IDEAKSI Innovation Workshop was held on 29/06 & 30/06 and attended by 15 local innovator groups with outcome to deepen the knowledge of local innovators in creating community-based inclusive innovations. In the Workshop entitled Analysis of Research Findings and Development of Innovation Proposals, representative from each group of local innovators presented their research findings in the field, learned about business models, building community-based innovation partnerships, innovation prototypes and inclusive design, as well as participating in mentoring sessions from mentors who are experts in the field according to the innovation theme planned by the group.

Taking place online via Zoom, this 2-day activity is useful for sharpening the innovation ideas of the groups. The local innovators were also prepared to be able to continue their innovations in a sustainable manner and were strengthened through business model sessions presented by Ryani Sisca, Program Director at  Social Innovation Acceleration Program (SIAP). According to Ryani, the key word in running a business is “sustainability” and this can be achieved through marketing through the right business model for each group.


One of the local innovators, Mr. Doddy from Difagana DIY said that "The innovations that will be carried out by groups have social intentions and we want to help those in need so that they are not for sale", and according to Ryani Sisca there are types of sustainability that can be done without a business selling products, namely by selling services or soft skills. These services can be packaged as either a facilitator or an expert in the field being carried out. With this, the groups can still be sustainable because it has a source of income to support the continuation of the group's business.


Winta Adhitia Guspara, a product design lecturer at UKDW, was a speaker in the IDEAKSI Modeling session to share experiences and knowledge in designing prototypes. Mr. Winta explained that it is necessary to be able to see and be taken into account when designing modeling and prototyping, “what might change in the future is how we imagine both in terms of representation in 3 dimensions and the situation of the system products and services designed, this is what is called a prototype".


The session on the following day also provided platform for local innovators to discuss, learn, and ask mentors who are experts in their fields. The experts who were brought in to guide the breakout room session were Benny Usdisanto from RedR Indonesia who facilitated the “Documents related to development of disaster reduction in villages”, Pramono from PSLH UGM in “Environmental conservation (agriculture, waste management, and mangrove) session”, Rahma Utami from Suarise who became a mentor for the group that would create an inclusive application and website, M. Amrun from Combine Resource Institution to assist the group in the “Village Information System” session, and Agus from DIY BPPTKG who facilitated the “Evacuation and Early Warning Tool” session. Warning Systems".


After participating in the mentoring session, Dhinar Rizky from YEU explained about IDEAKSI's follow-up plan and how to fill in the proposal. This proposal will later be selected by a team of judges and donors to select 10 groups that are entitled to qualify for the next stage. These 10 groups will also receive funding of IDR 85,000,000 to realize the innovation ideas that have been designed. The friendship between groups will also not be broken even though there will be 5 groups that do not qualify. YEU has planned a tentative demo day as a place for groups to introduce their ideas to a wider audience in the hope of being able to partner with more parties. In addition, there will be future trainings that will still involve 15 groups of local innovators.