Through the support of Elrha, Start Network, and the Asia Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) on this partnership, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) carried out “Community-Led Innovation Partnership” / CLIP. The Community-Led Innovation Partnership puts communities affected by crises at the heart of innovation efforts to support their resilience to crises. This project aims to increase accessibility, accountability, and inclusion of people with disabilities and older people in disaster preparedness and humanitarian response through supported community-led innovation. 

In implementing this activity, YEU launched IDEAKSI (ide inovasi aksi inklusi / idea innovation action inclusion) to seek inclusive innovation ideas in disaster management for local organizations with disabilities , older people, and other most at risk groups.

IDEAKSI is expected to be the door for inclusive innovation by local innovators in the context of disaster management in Indonesia using local wisdom and knowledge.

YEU is a work unit of YAKKUM (Christian Foundation for Public Health) which was established in 2001 with the mandate of inclusive and participatory disaster response and building community resilience through community-based disaster reduction and climate change adaptation practices.

YEU has a vision to ensure that disaster-affected communities can get the right to a dignified and sustainable life, through the synergy of humanitarian services and the development of a transformative community based on organization, accountability and quality.




CLIP “Community Led Innovation Partnership" - is a partnership effort to deliver community-based innovation. CLIP aims to improve accessibility, accountability, and inclusiveness for the most at risk groups in the emergency response and preparedness process through community-supported innovation.

The CLIP project is planned to have a 3 year duration, starting from April 2020 to March 2023 for the implementation of IDEAKSI 1.0 and continuing for IDEAKSI 2.0 from April 2023 to March 2025. This project is committed to supporting innovators at the community level to generate, test, and develop solutions to priority problems faced in the emergency response & disaster preparedness both at the local and national levels.


Through this program, it is hoped that there will be innovative solutions that enable the community, especially women, people with disabilities, older people, and other most at risk groups to participate and be actively involved in the process of disaster management and decision-making that affects their lives.



Mangrove Planting in Baros Beach by CLIP IDEAKSI YEU and Keluarga Pemuda Pemudi Baros
03-06-2022 Thursday (2/6/2022) YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) and Keluarga Pemuda Pemudi Baros (KP2 Baros) symbolically planted Mangrove seedlings at Baros Beach, Padukuhan Baros, Tirtohargo Village, Kapanewon Kret...
Innovations of IDEAKSI in GPDRR Global Platform Disaster Risk Reduction
27-05-2022 YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) with the Community-led Innovation Partnership (CLIP) project was selected to showcase community-based inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) innovations in the Innovation ...
4 Local Innovator Teams Selected to Growth Stage for Scale Up
13-05-2022 Based on the results of the selection process for 10 (ten) innovations carried out by the Technical Reviewer Team, ADRRN EXCOM, Innovation Advisor, and YEU which was carried out in April 2022 and taki...
IDEAKSI Exhibition and Talkshow: Ideas of Inclusive Action in Disaster Preparedness and Management
25-04-2022 Taking the momentum of National Disaster Preparedness Day with the theme “Disaster Resilient Families, Pillars of the Nation Facing Disaster” and the journey towards the 7th Global Platform of DRR whi...